Blog | Continuant

Why Wait When Your Business is on the Line?

Written by Rhonda Parmiter | January 6, 2014

How long will you wait “on hold” when you have a pressing problem that needs to be solved right away?More to the point, if your phone system is down, how many prompts are you willing to go through to get to a live human being who is able to help you?

If you’re like most people, you will hang up long before five minutes have passed. But when you need help right away, hanging up is not an option. I read an article recently that said it best: “Faster is the new fast.” Nobody wants to wait even one minute to be helped, but sadly, that’s the norm.

The good news is that at Continuant, you don’t have to wait when you have a problem that needs to be solved. We’ve made it our passion to put real people on the line when your business is on the line.

When you call us during normal business hours, a caring, live human being trained in the art of customer service answers right away. If you’re an existing customer, you have a dedicated Account Manager backed by a customer service team—all at the ready to help you solve a problem or answer a question. No hold time. No waiting. No being tossed around from person to person until your problem is solved.

A core value and a driver in our day-to-day business is simply this: Providing our customers with the best customer experience in the business. That means bringing high-touch to the world of high-tech. Our Tier 3 engineers are at the ready to help you keep your systems up and running; and it’s the job of our customer service team to take care of you every step of the way.

In fact, our record for customer service excellence has earned Continuant the exceptional Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 87 percent. If you’re not familiar with the term, the NPS® is a system that categorizes your customers’ experience of you by grouping them into three distinct categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. To arrive at your NPS, you simply subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters:

Here’s what GMA Research, a national independent marketing research firm that conducted a market survey for Continuant, had to say about our NPS:

Continuant’s NPS of 87 percent was dramatically higher than similar service organizations. Not only is 87 percent extraordinary in the service industry and even higher than that received by the recognized NPS leader, financial services firm USAA, but it outshone other well-recognized service leaders.  Because Net Promoter Scores are based on customer relationships and are not industry-specific, they offer a tangible way to compare customer satisfaction across fields. NPS scores between 50 and 80 percent are considered exceptional in most industries. To put it another way, Continuants' score was between 110 and 175 percent higher than scores considered exceptional in most industries.

While we are proud of this off-the-charts NPS, we’re not surprised. Every day we get great feedback from customers, both long-term and brand-new.

Here’s a small sample of the kudos that come in almost daily:

From a Health Food company: “I am very impressed with Continuant and their team….Your team has really reinforced my decision to go with Continuant….You guys got it together on Customer Service.”

From a Food Processing company: “Thank you!! In all my years here dealing with phone companies I’ve never experienced anything as good as you guys are.”